Web application
reader comes with a minimal web application, intended to work across all browsers, including light-weight / text-only ones.
The web application is not fully supported, see the roadmap for details.
The web application is optional, use the app
extra to install
its dependencies.
Serving the web application
reader exposes a standard WSGI application as reader._app.wsgi:app
See the Flask documentation for more details on how to deploy it.
The path to the reader database can be configured through the
config file
or the READER_DB
environment variable.
The web application has no authentication / authorization whatsoever; it is expected a server / middleware will provide that.
An example uWSGI configuration file (probably not idiomatic, from here):
socket = /apps/reader/uwsgi/sock
manage-script-name = true
mount = /reader=reader._app.wsgi:app
plugin = python3
virtualenv = /apps/reader/
env = READER_CONFIG=/apps/reader/reader.yaml
You can also run the web application with the serve
uses Werkzeug’s development server,
so it probably won’t scale well past a single user.
For privacy reasons,
you may want to configure your web server to not send a Referer
(by setting Referrer-Policy
header to same-origin
for all responses; nginx example).
The serve
command does it by default.
If running on a personal computer, you can use cron to run serve
at boot:
@reboot sleep 60; reader serve -p 8080 2>&1 ) >>"/tmp/$LOGNAME.reader.serve.boot.log"
Main page

main page
Feed page

feed page
Feeds page

feeds page
Entry page

entry page

entry page
Search page

search page
Lightweight browsers

